
This Site…

“As the tide leaves its drift in horizontal lines, though rising higher on the shores where the tide rises highest, so have the living waters left their living drift on our mountain-summits, in a line gently rising from the arctic lowlands to a great height under the equator.”  

 The Origin of Species, Charles Darwin

Why Evergreen?

Growing up in British Columbia, Canada, the environment is constantly filled with greenery, the most common being evergreen shrubs and trees.  In the winter, or in the cloudiest of days, the evergreens have never failed to bring colour. Across cultures, religion and literature, evergreens symbolize eternal life and immortality.  Personally, evergreens draw the idea of wisdom and growth, since evergreens are known to be ancient and can be found growing in various harsh conditions. As the world becomes more connected, it is from my insight that we should put more effort in understanding and learning, such that we can better ourselves and others; no one is above the concept of learning. Since I chose the word Evergreen, this site is mainly environment based, but will delve into other topics with relations.

Why Evermore?

I am a firm practitioner of persistence and consistency; in order to do things well, not only it must be done often, but it should be improved upon next time.  Our environment is perpetuated by cyclical processes, and is driven by feedbacks. By creating this site, I hope to practice on better developing my thoughts and reflections, and hope others can learn from them.

What to expect?

Perspective is what you see and Context is what you feel. What you see here is dedicated to sharing stories and experiences. I hope to share my perspective on life as it has shaped. The images and videos accompanying each post are to assist in gaining better understanding.

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